The future of transportation is electric trucks and the shift towards heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) that are electric-powered is gaining momentum. The shift to electric trucks is now inevitable with the growing demand for more sustainable and greener modes of transportation. How are they likely to transform the road transport industry? Keep reading to learn more.

What Are the Benefits of Electric Trucks?

Electric HGVs offer several benefits over traditional diesel-powered trucks:

  • Environmentally friendly and emit zero tailpipe emissions
  • Lower running costs since they have lower fuel costs and require less maintenance
  • Quieter than diesel trucks, which makes them ideal for deliveries in the night-time in urban areas.

The Technology Behind Electric HGVs

The technology behind electric trucks (HGVs) is advancing rapidly, with new developments being made on a fairly regular basis.

One of the main challenges in the development of electric HGVs has been the issue of charges running out before you reach your destination. Advances in battery technology, however, mean that electric HGVs are now capable of traveling much further on one single charge than previously, which makes them a more practical option for long-haul journeys.

Charging infrastructure is another key area of focus when it comes to electric HGVs. For electric HGVs to be a feasible option for long-haul journeys, it is important to have a network of charging stations to charge the vehicles quickly and efficiently. Businesses and governments throughout the globe are investing heavily in building out the infrastructure and the number of charging stations will keep growing rapidly in the coming years.

The Future of Electric HGVs

What does the future look like for electric HGVs? Simply put, it looks very bright. Governments throughout the world are introducing policies aimed at incentivising the adoption of electric vehicles, which is driving demand for electric HGVs. Advances made in battery technology and charging infrastructure also mean that electrical HGVs are now a practical option for long-haul journeys.

In the coming years, it is expected that an increasing number of electric HGVs will be on the roads, as companies seek to meet sustainability goals and reduce their carbon footprint. The shift towards HGVs will also create new opportunities for the businesses involved in the manufacture and maintenance of electric trucks. A boom is expected in this industry in the coming years. Check out HGV driver salary if you’re interested in a career in this sector.

Governments have also started to set targets for the reduction of transportation sector emissions and provide incentives to the companies that start using electric HGVs.

Tevva, an electric truck start-up based in the UK has obtained the necessary approvals for its first full-production vehicle. The company’s 7.5-tonne truck has a maximum range of 141 miles and is ready to be mass-produced. The company also plans to manufacture about 1,000 trucks each year by the end of 2023.

Scania is also part of the efforts aimed at making the industry more electric, and, therefore, more sustainable. The company has launched the Regional Battery Electric Truck, which is its latest innovation that promises to be a clean, efficient daily vehicle. Just one hour of charging allows the truck to travel 186 miles, and a full charge can be achieved in below 90 minutes.

In conclusion, the future of road transportation lies with electric HGVs, and the benefits of this shift are abundantly clear. Electric HGVs are a more practical and sustainable option for businesses due to their quieter operation, lower running costs, and zero tailpipe emissions.

Advances made in charging infrastructure as well as battery technology mean that electric HGVs are now an increasingly practical option for long-haul journeys, and this is expected to fuel the demand for electric trucks in the near future.

As the world moves towards a more sustainable and greener future, it is expected that electric HGVs will play an important role in transforming the road transport industry.

By blacky